*HST and 12% Crew Service fee will be added on checkout
Gone Sailing Adventures is proud to be associated with these premier organizations representing the best in the business.
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When considering chartering a yacht in Canada, we know you have many options. Some of these options look super exciting and at ridiculously great prices. Recent trends in the industry have opened the door for many unqualified individuals to purchase boats and offer charter services to the unsuspecting public. It’s easy to create a website and even easier to just list a boat on sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, Getmyboat, Boat Setter and many others.
Unfortunately, many of these operators are NOT licensed, insured or qualified to accept your trust on the water.
In order to be licensed and insured a number of items MUST be in place. Listed are just a few.
Over the last few years there have been a number of deaths and even more accidents resulting from these types of operators. Be safe and know who you are getting on a boat with. All licensed operators should willingly display their credentials, and most are members of the Passenger & Commercial Vessel Association (PCVA).